GOOD SHEPHERD’S CENTRAL SCHOOL(CBSE) began its functioning by June 2002 under the management of the School Trust, Mullassery, run by Good Shepherd’s Church,under the patronship of Mar Andrews Thazhath,the archbishop of Thrissur.The school is affiliated to CBSE with No: 930885. The vicar of the Good Shepherd’s parish is the manager and the school is greatly suppported by the congregation of ‘ School Sisters of St.Francis Assissi ‘ allied with the academic realm.
About Us

- See the entire creation worthy of reverence
- Face the vicissitudes of life with confidence and courage
- Have a global outlook
- Be constructive. Patriotic and contributing citizens of India
- Be a productive and responsible member of the human family
- Respect and cherish his/her cultural, ethical and social values
- Be rooted in eternal values
- Transcultural
- Transnational
- Trans religious
- & Transracial
I – XII – The school timing will be from 9.10 am to 3.30 pm with 35 minutes lunch break.